miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012


With the Pipe Challenge trials complete and a flurry of big Northwest swells and offshore conditions forecast for the first four days of the waiting period, the main event is looking to be an epic showdown of the worlds best bodyboarders performing at their limits.

Event organisers are looking to run the first 2 Rounds of both Women and Mens tomorrow, starting at 8am Honolulu time with the Ladies. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are currently looking favorable, so if the forecast stays true, the event could be wrapped up on Saturday.

Make sure you don’t miss a heat, check your local starting and finishing times below.

On thursday the conditions are going to be epic with 10 to 12 foot. They are going to run the rounds 3th, 4th and maybe 5th.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012


Que agradable es tener algo en la mente desde hace tiempo y llevarlo a cabo y más cuando lo haces con 2 de tus mejores amigos. Hara cosa de 3 días, llevabamos varias horas descansando en casa despues de haber surfeado Pipeline toda la mañana y no dejabamos de ver entrar olas buenisimas en Sunset, hasta que nos motivamos y decidimos entrar al agua. Yo a probar a hacer un poco de dropknee principalmente y Babby como camara oficial y Matt como fotografo. La verdad que fue una experiencia super buena y reconfortante por todas las cosas que pasaron en esa fabulosa tarde. Olas para recodar fueron 2 bonitos tubos,uno a dropknee que baje en el aire el drop y otro a prone mi última ola del día.
Solo quiero dar las gracias de poder estar aquí, un saludo y espero que les guste el material.


The forecast for this year’s IBA Pipe Challenge is brought to you by: www.swellinfo.com.

Wednesday the 15th February, the first day of the contest, the swell will be coming in from the northwest, in the 5-7ft range early in the day, building all day, and by late afternoon waves should be in the 8-10ft region. This direction means both Pipeline and Backdoor will be breaking, we will most likely see heats with riders splitting the peak. The wind will be coming from the east and gradually swinging to an east-southeast direction in the afternoon, getting gusts of up to 17miles per hour (14 knots). This wind direction is ideal for Pipe as it is going to be straight offshore all day.

Thursday the 16th February, day two, the swell will be at its biggest day of competition, as the swell peaks in the afternoon. The morning will see sets in the 10-12ft range with possible bigger ones throughout the day. The swell will continue to approach from the northwest and the winds will be blowing, with gusts of up to 16mph (13knots) from the east.

Friday the 17th February, day three, the swell will calm down. Waves will possibly be in the 8-10ft range and the swell direction will remain from the northwest. Winds will be from the east in the morning, swinging to east-northeast by the afternoon, with gust of up to 20mph (17 knots).

Saturday the 18th February, day four, the swell will drop some more. Waves should be expected in the 6-8ft range, the swell from the northwest and the wind from the east in the morning, swinging to east-northeast by the afternoon, with gust of up to 24mph (20 knots).

Sunday the 19th February, day five, the swell drops to 4-5ft and the direction remains from the northwest. The wind is meant to blow from an east-northeast direction with gusts of up to 21mph (18knots).

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012


Assalto ao Havai!
Por motivos vários as Ilhas Canárias têm estado na berra nos últimos anos.

Seja pelas ondas espetaculares, eventos internacionais ou atletas incríveis, a verdade é que desde há vários anos que este agrupamento de ilhas atlânticas tem vindo a destacar-se no panorama do bodyboard.

E, mais importante, vindo a afirmar-se (cada vez mais) como uma das principais potências mundiais deste desporto.

Enquanto por cá a crise e a retração económica parece estar na ordem do dia, os canários, por sua vez, vão-se mostrando mais expeditos que os empresários e riders portugueses.

Eles organizam fantásticas provas de cariz internacional, lançam marcas, produzem filmes, lançam clipes absolutamente doentios, fomentam apoios entre eles e, mais importante que tudo, estão a reagir à adversidade e a tentar rumar (como um todo) num só sentido.

A última novidade que nos chegou aos ouvidos prende-se com a presença confirmada de 15 riders das ilhas na primeira etapa do IBA World Tour em Pipeline (que acontece de 15 a 24 de fevereiro).

Mesmo sem grandes apoios, eles não desistiram e partiram à conquista do sonho de alcançar um bom resultado na onda rainha.

Os nomes a reter são estes:

Tenerife: Diego Cabrera e Martín Soto;

Fuerteventura: Ruyman Rey;

Gran Canaria: Nelson Mora, Kevin Orihuela, Guillermo Cobo, Pedro Santiago, Ale Barbosa, Miguel Macías, Ale Ramírez, Airam Rodríguez, Javier Fleitas, Borja Viera, Néstor González e Ardiel Jiménez.

Então boa sorte!